Brian Martin
When did you start pig farming?
“I started at age 6 in 1974, and I was paid a whopping $1 per hour.”
Why do you love pig farming?
"Our family farm business has been built around love of people and relationships as far back as the late 1800’s. We consider it our greatest honor to continue the tradition of finding and nurturing win/win relationships with the goal of delivering the highest quality food products to the world."
What words to you live by?
"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain." – Vivian Greene

David Martin
When did you start pig farming?
"I have been with Martin Family Farms since I could walk!"
Why do love pig farming?
"From an early age I loved spending time working with the animals and tending the land. I’ve always had a fascination and pride for helping American grow food, fiber, and fuel. I really believe that the American farmer is the gold standard in the world and we need to be proud of what we do and how we do it!"
What words do you live by?
"The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it." - Genesis 2:15

Melissa Bradford
Operations Coordinator
Martin Family Farms employee since 2009
What do you at Martin Family Farms?
"As operations coordinator, I ensure that our people are equipped to be successful at Martin Family Farms as well as making sure our farms are following our Standard Operating Procedures."
What words do you live by?
"I like to think the glass is half full instead of half empty!"

Mitch Camp
Finishing Manager
Martin Family Farms employee since 2015
What do you do at Martin Family Farms?
"I get to help oversee the Finishing operation for Martin Family Farms."
What brought you to Martin Family Farms?
"I have been in the pig business on and off for 50 years I made my first real money raising pigs for my dad and selling them to grandad. I enjoy the culture of the company here at MFF, good people trying to make right decisions to take care of employees, pigs and the community."

Azael Romero
Sow Operations Manager
Martin Family Farms employee since 2018
What brought you to Martin Family Farms?
"For the opportunity to grow and do a job I enjoy".
What words do you live by?
"Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Give respect to all."

Haley Schnepp
Martin Family Farms employee since 2018
What brought you to Martin Family Farms?
"During my 4 years with the Animal Science program at Purdue I developed a passion for pigs. After graduation I wanted to find a family-oriented farm that provided the opportunity to grow as an individual and a leader in the company. Martin Family Farms checked all the boxes.
Why do you love pig farming?
"Aside for my love of pigs, being part of such a small percentage of our population that feeds our world makes the work we do every day very meaningful."
What words do you live by?
"'And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker.' So God made a farmer." - Paul Harvey
Jerry Norwell
Environmental/Maintenance Manager
Martin Family Farms employee since 2019

Craig Martin
Former Owner, Father of Brian and David
Martin Family Farms has been my life's work since graduating from Purdue University in 1968. I served as President from 1974 until 2010 and presently serve on the Board of Directors. Developing MFF into a family owned entity that produces animal protein for over 1.5 million people has been tremendously rewarding. I still enjoy walking the through the facilities with our production employees. In addition to still consulting for MFF, my wife Jeannie and I enjoy our down time with our 5 children and 12 grand children.
- The rest of our MFF team!
- The rest of our MFF team!
- The rest of our MFF team!